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Please, double click on each tour to know the itinerary. At the end of this page you'll find the short description of the tours

34 Indiana Jones Tour

34 Indiana Jones Tour

34 Indiana Jones Tour

34 Indiana Jones Tour

35 Student Educational Program

35 Student Educational Program

35 Student Educational Program

35 Student Educational Program
34. Indiana Jones Style Tour: Orchids, birds and hummingbird observation at our private Reserve San Jorge Quito, historic and archaeological explanation of the hacienda, finish the first day with a medicinal plants tour while hiking to the sacred waterfall. We'll have a horseback ride in the Andes, with beautiful sightseeing. Transfer to San Jorge Tandayapa by mountain bike or car visiting Nono Village, Tandayapa offers the opportunity to see different forest birds, orchids, insects and our ponds. We'll visit our canopy and lighted feeders and then hike to the lost stream, a perfect place to appreciate the cloud forest. We transfer to San Jorge Milpe Cliff visiting the Orchid farm and the butterfly farm. We'll walk in the tropical jungle in Milpe Cliff looking for birds and insects, at the night we'll walk in the forest looking for owls, moths and butterflies. We'll hike to the waterfalls, to enjoy a picninc. The last day we'll go to the upper trails looking for butterflies and return to Quito visiting the Pululahua Crater and the Equator monument. In this tour, we'll learn about Ecuadorian food with our cooking lessons, like empanadas, traditional Quitenian sweets, humitas, quimbolitos and tamales.
35. Student Educational Program: Visit churches and museums in our famous Historic center of Quito, after we'll go to the Equator monument where you can enjoy its different museums. Hike to our sacred waterfalls in San Jorge Quito, learning about medicinal plants. We'll go to San Jorge Tandayapa to plant native plants and learn about cloud forest and visit San Jorge Milpe to enjoy in its crystaline waterfalls, birdwatching and orchid observations on the trails. You'll visit Otavalo Indian Market where you can appreciate the indigenous culture and various handicrafts
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